<aside> ℹ️ Level: Beginner Duration: 15 hours



Pre-Beginner Level 1 is an integrated approach which aims to create an authentic environment for developing communication skills using English. Grammar will be embedded in the communicative activities.

The course focuses on:

Students will not be required to purchase a course book, as all the syllabus content will be prepared by the teacher, using authentic resources. However, a list of books and online resources will be recommended for self-study.

What does this course cover?


⦁ The English speaking world: countries, capitals and main cities ⦁ Places and directions ⦁ Travelling ⦁ Services for the travellers (taxi, bus, train reservation, internet, etc) ⦁ Hotel reservations ⦁ Shopping


⦁ Asking for directions ⦁ Describing geographical position ⦁ Buying things in the market ⦁ Describing what you have ⦁ Ordering food and drinks ⦁ Making reservations ⦁ Talking about the past


⦁ Plural ⦁ The active participle ⦁ How much? How many? ⦁ Present and Past Tense ⦁ Word order

What will I achieve?